Nicholas Peters - Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls

Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls


seven antique Jambati Himalayan singing bowls

Recording, click here

Nicholas Peters - Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls

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Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls [album]

Number of tracks: 7

Total duration: 27 minnutes, 23 seconds

Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls was released on 5th July 2024.

Click here to listen to Sound Bath: Seven Jambati Himalayan Singing Bowls on your preferred music streaming service.

Clicking on any of the track titles below will take you to the release on Spotify. [Track durations are shown in square brackets.]

1. Ground [02'54"]

2. Feeling [03'49"]

3. Body [04'14"]

4. Heart [04'05"]

5. Truth [04'10"]

6. Mind [03'40"]

7. Spirit [04'31"]