Nicholas Peters - Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl

Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl


Himalayan urna singing bowl

Recording, click here

Nicholas Peters - Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl

Other Information

'Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl' [single]

Number of tracks: 2

Total duration: 2 minutes, 54 seconds

'Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl' was released on 18th October 2024.

This release was recorded using the bowl shown in the photo below and features two tracks using different bowl playing techniques.

This is a rare shamanic urna bowl which produces wild overtones when struck. This bowl would have been used in rituals and it has seen a lot of use, as evidenced by the bowl's patina. The urna is seen in the centre of the bowl.

Click here to listen to 'Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl' on your preferred music streaming service.

Clicking on the track title below will take you to the release on Spotify. [Track duration is shown in square brackets.]

1. Divination with Himalayan Urna Singing Bowl [01'42"]

2. The Jumping Medicine Bowl [01'12"]